

Homeownership Program

Safe, Decent, Affordable Homeownership
  • We make the American Dream of homeownership a reality, providing homebuyers with an affordable, income-based mortgage.

Everyone Deserves a Safe, Decent, Affordable Place to Call Home

Our program offers income-qualified homebuyers the opportunity to build and purchase their own home through an affordable mortgage. Through their time in the program, partner families will complete at least 200-250 hours of sweat equity, which includes building their home (and the homes of other Habitat partner families) and completing financial, budgeting, and credit seminars to set them up to be successful, educated, and empowered homeowners. We build more than houses – the impact of homeownership is profound and lasting. It’s a program that works! Find out more.

What are the basic criteria to apply?


Applicants must demonstrate a need for our housing program and currently be living in an unaffordable, overcrowded, dangerous, temporary, or otherwise substandard housing situation.

Ability to Pay

Applicant’s income must fall within the 50%-80% Area Median Income range, as defined by HUD’s Regional Income Guidelines

Willingness to Partner

Accepted applicants are required to complete 350 hours of “sweat equity” toward building their house and the houses of other families in our program. Additionally, accepted partner families are required to complete financial literacy courses to ensure financial stability in the future.

Why Buy with Habitat?


Think owning a home is too expensive? Think again. Our homes are sold at a mortgage based on your family’s ability to pay. This helps ensure that your monthly mortgage payment, including principal, interest, taxes, and insurance, is affordable for you.


Knowledge is power, and as part of our Affordable Homeownership Program, you will learn the skills needed to manage finances, budget for the future, and be a successful, empowered homeowner.


A safe, decent, affordable home provides invaluable stability for you and your family, providing an opportunity to build wealth and invest in the future of you and your children. Once you close on your Habitat home, we remain partners to guide and support you through your homeownership journey.

Homeowner FAQS

How are Habitat partner families selected?

An in-depth review of the applicants’ finances, need, and willingness to partner will be conducted by the Homeowner Services team. This process includes income verification, credit checks, personal visits and interviews, and more. If more applicants qualify than homes available, applicants will be selected through a random selection process.

Do I have to have children to qualify?

No, we also serve single-person households.

What if my income increases after I buy my home?

Once you purchase your home, no further income verification is needed.

How long does the program take?

It varies, but we estimate 18-24 months from the time you are accepted into the program.

Do I have a say in the design on my home?

No, but you will be able to choose 3 options/colors for items in the home as determined by Habitat board and staff.

Download our Homeownership Application Now!