

Repairs Program

Gloucester County Habitat for Humanity's Repairs Program offers assistance to qualified homeowners to help alleviate health and safety issues as well as code violations in neighborhoods. GCHFH will provide construction knowledge and skills to repair exterior issues and continue our dedication to providing safe and decent home. Applications are accepted on a semi-rolling basis for Gloucester County homeowners, according to available funding and emergent need.

The Repairs Program is another step towards Habitat for Humanity’s goal of providing everyone with a decent place to live.

What are the basic criteria to apply?


Must own home, be up to date on all insurance, tax and mortgage payments, need help alleviate health and safety issues as well as code violations in neighborhoods.

Ability to Pay

Applicant’s income must fall within the 50%-80% Area Median Income range, as defined by HUD’s Regional Income Guidelines

Willingness to Partner

Homeowners are expected to help with the success of the project. They must meet all deadlines during the application process, be available for a home assessment, be willing to complete sweat equity hours. Sweat equity refers to the work homeowner(s) perform alongside Habitat staff and volunteers. Each plan is created on a case by case basis

Download our Repairs Application Now!