Volunteer Safety Videos
At Gloucester County Habitat for Humanity, we take safety & our code of conduct seriously. Since our volunteers normally have a high percentage of inexperienced people, everyone must pay particular attention to safety. Try to be conscious of the safety of others as well as yourself. Be cautious at all times, ask questions, and ask for help.
Unlawful Harassment & Discrimination:
Gloucester County Habitat for Humanity is firmly committed to providing a positive work environment free of discrimination and bias. Each volunteer is personally responsible for maintaining such a work environment. Gloucester County Habitat for Humanity prohibits any actions, words, jokes, or comments based on an individual’s sex, sexual preference, race, ethnic background, age, religion, physical condition, or other legally protected characteristic. Any conduct or action, whether overt or subtle, which creates an offensive or hostile work environment is prohibited and will be grounds for immediate disciplinary action. Gloucester County Habitat for Humanity prohibits any harassment between volunteers, employees, or other non-employee on the basis of sex. No volunteer, male or female, should be subjected to unsolicited or unwelcome sexual overtones and conduct, either verbal or physical. Misconduct applies to both males and females and includes harassment between different and same sex.
Harassment/Discrimination Investigative Procedure:
Any volunteer who feels they are a victim of sexual or discriminatory harassment is encouraged to let the harasser know that their behavior is unwelcome. Additionally, volunteers who feel they have been harassed must immediately report the matter to the Executive Director.